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Oddballz Bios


Favorite Color: Purple
Poison Color: Black
Allergic Color: Grey
Favorite Toy: Liquifood
Romantic Interest: Quadrapus
Turns into a blimp and flies when: You dangle a grubz
Explodes When: You tickle him!
Shaking Honker Causes: Him to stretch out!
Transformations: Chicken, Cat, Duck, Pig, Cow


Favorite Color: White
Poison Color: Green
Allergic Color: Blue
Favorite Toy: Gravitron
Romantic Interest: Jester
Uses Antennae to Zap When: he is angry
Communicates in Zott Code When: he wants to be heard.
Reaction to shooting the grubz: Explodes
Transformations: Sheep, Rat, Ant, Worm

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