Oddballz Resources
Here is a collection of Oddballz Resources from around the web! A lot of these are only available a couple of places, so I've gathered them here in case anything ever happens to those sites. (god forbid!)

Oddballz Full Game

This zip contains the full version of Oddballz (plus a couple hexed eggs by carolyn horn) preinstalled. If you are running on a 32 bit version of windows, you should be able to simply click the exe to play with no further steps.
If you are using a 64-bit version of windows, you need to download this program called winevdm first that enables 16-bit emulation in windows. If you don't know what version you're using, it's probably 64-bit. click here to download winevdm if you are using a 64 bit version of windows. (REQUIRED for running on 64-bit windows) All you need to do once you download winedvm is open one of the included installers and then you should be able to run Oddballz freely!
If Oddballz asks for a serial number upon startup, use this one: 6601 9787 6911
Download Full Version of Oddballz

Oddballz Egg Collection (all original and MANY hexed eggs by various creators!)

Includes many more Oddballz than shown here!!
this is a collection of oddballz eggs created by: PF Magic, Jonathan Grynspan, Darcie, Don, Carolyn Horn, Rachel Harmer, Isaiah, Daniel Wright, Terri Manning, Alan Jackson, Elizabeth, Boardwalk Sue, Alex Morise, Estrella, J. Dove, Mewtwo1077, and Timothy Church.
This Zip includes the 13 PF Magic Oddballz and *57 hexed oddballz!*
To install all of these eggz at once, simply replace your eggz and art folder with the included ones. Thank you to the original creators for making these epic oddballz! I do not take credit for creating these, I have simply gathered them all together for archival and convenince purposes purposes as I am dedicated to perserving Oddballz for even more decades to come. A few of these were missing textures when I downloaded them but I've still included those eggs here.
Download Oddballz Egg Collection
Oddballz Color Chart

For use when hexing Oddballz, thank you to carolyn for making this chart.

Songs for Pop Box
These are the songs that come with the pop box - I accidentally forgot to include them in the game downloads LOL. I will update the downloads shortly to include the songs, but here are a zip containing them so you don't have to redownload the whole game again. Just place the SONGS folder in your main oddballz directly. You can also add your own songs if you wish, any .wav file will do. These songs will also work in the petz music box and vice versa!
Oddballz Hexing TutorialsThese were all written by Carolyn Horn. They are older, but the information in them is still good. Included are: advanced oddballz hexing, hexing on the mac version of oddballz, beginner oddballz hexing, transformations, and oddballz rez easy edit kit. (allows you to edit the grubz and toy shelf images.)
Oddballz Windows XP PatchYou shouldn't need this if you're running a new version of windows with winevdm, but you never know.
Starter Kit (demo version)Ron Tigat's Eggz Scrambler (hexing tool)
If you ever come across an oddballz egg that is an OPJ file, this is the tool you need.
Petz Installer RuntimesVery rarely you may come across a very old oddballz or petz download that's an esp file. This is the program you're supposed to open them with, but extracting them with 7zip works just fine also.
Oddballz CD case and manual scans.>Oddballz Web Fun Pack

Oddballz Links
Carolyn's CreationsA must visit site.
WebpetzAnother Must Visit.
Anso's Oddballz (wayback)Beautifully preserved with TONS of Oddballz information! Another must visit.
PhantasmorgiaHas some hexed Oddballz for both oddballz and petz available for download!
PolygondwanalandA couple hexed eggs available for download here!!
Oddballz Official Website (Wayback)Unfortunately poorly preserved, but still worth visiting.
Oddz World (Wayback)Another archived site worth visiting.
Oddballz Neo (wayback)A lot of the images are broken, but many downloads still work (!!!)
Oddballzlover's Homepage (wayback)Another archived site.
Darcie's Oddballz (wayback)Archived site with some cool information, including growth charts.
Tigerfang's Oddballz School (wayback)cute!
Oddorama (wayback)The images weren't archived unfortunately but this site is still very fun.
Oddballz R Us (wayback)Lady Griffin's Oddz and Ends (wayback)
Trev's Oddballz Zone (wayback)
RobTK's Official Oddballz Homepage (wayback)
Odd Corner (wayback)