Here are the toyz I've made. Very bare here, hoping to make more soon. These are all for Petz 4 Only. Feel free to convert to other versions if you so desire.

Rainbow Puppy

A rainbow puppy plush.
Christmas Teddy

A cute teddy to help your petz ring in the season.

Mazzlabs Taco

My first toy in a long, long time. Kind of a weird taco that petz hate, but mice love it!

Candy Cane Seeds

Both EDIBLE and GROWABLE!! Perfect for any time of the year. A big thank you to Amanda for helping me make these non overwriting and to Prism Mirror Lens for helping me with changing the adjectives!

Valentine's Day Taco

so introducing the Valentine's Day Taco!! BEWARE: This Taco is an extremely POWERFUL APHRODISIAC. Eating just one Taco made Clearly here jump from 1 horniness to a whopping 100 HORNINESS!! so be wary feeding your petz this taco if you don't want them to mate. the adjectives changed to sweet and pink coloration. Enjoy this taco any time of the year - doesn't have to be Valentine's Day. Whether your petz are single or have been married for decades, this is a toy suitable for any Petz! You will need the updated version of Petza from Rat Shack in order for this toy to work properly. (It won't be edible without it!)

Christmas Taco

Merry Christmas!!! Have a taco for your petz. Special thanks to Mythic Silence for helping me with this toy! (I couldn't figure out how to get it to show up...)

Pink Scratching Post

A beautiful pink scratching post for your pink-loving catz! This is based off of Prism Mirror's Len's fixed scratching post, so your catz can actually scratch on it! It has also had its adjective changed to be pink. Yay!!
Pink Satin Pillow

A recolor of the red satin pillow - I think it looks a lot nicer with muted colors.


can be used as a decorative item to hold flowers!