Hexed Bases
You can download these and use them for your own hexies. feel free to redestribuite however you wish. Hopefully more will be coming soon. These are for P4 but feel free to convert. You don't have to credit me if you use these.
Wolfy Dane v2 Addball Ear Edition

same as the other one except this one has addball ears

Wolfy Dane v1

an old school wolfy dane with claws!

Enfattened Cat Bases

Bases of 9 cat breeds made fatter and fluffier, use for anything you want!

Fluffy Dane Base

Hexing a dane with a fluffy tail can be a challenge! I have struggled with it a lot in the past. Fluffy danes used to be an extremely popular hex in the past, and while they're still popular...I don't see them as often as I'd like to anymore. Now that I've made a base I'm happy with, I can create fluffy danes to my heart's content and SO CAN YOU!! There are a few other simple body mods like chest and cheek fluff added. This base is yours to edit however you'd see fit. :) I'd love to see more old school fluffy danes around the Petz Community...you can see some of the danes I've hexed using this at my archive.

Fluffy Dali

Just what it says...